Modern slavery and human trafficking
Mudwalls Food Group are entirely committed to ethical practices and ensuring that our supply chains are free from human trafficking and modern slavery.
We understand our responsibilities for utilising ethical working practices and are committed to ensuring our activities are carried out in line with those ethical practices, preventing slavery & human trafficking across our operations.
Slavery refers to any form of forced or compulsory labour or servitude. Trafficking refers to the transportation or facilitation of transport for any persons for the use of exploitation. Child Labour is defined as depriving a young person of their childhood, their potential and their dignity and impacts on their physical and mental development.
Commitment to ethical labour practices
Mudwalls Food Group is committed to identifying and addressing any form of slavery or trafficking of workers and does not accept child labour or any form of unlawful or unfair practices. We ensure our Recruitment process prohibits any form of slavery or human trafficking by ensuring that relevant right to work checks are carried out and that offers of employment comply with legislation on fair pay and working conditions as well as compliance with the working time directive. All employees and workers have the same rights and are treated equally. Mudwalls Food Group does not discriminate against someone based on any personal characteristics as outlined in the Equality Act 2010.
Supply Chain
Mudwalls Food Group commits to comply with national regulations and principles of the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code, and we expect the same from our suppliers. We provide our customers with transparent information about our management practices. To mitigate risk within our supply chain, we build strong relationships with suppliers and ensure they meet the requirements under the recognised accreditations: SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) SAQ and SMETA (SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit), BRCGS (Brand Reputation Compliance Global standards), RTA (Red Tractor Assurance), SALSA (Safe and Local Supplier Approval), LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming), GG (Global Gap). Mudwalls Food Group have a thorough supplier approval procedure which includes risk assessment for all suppliers. Based on the risk, we will determine the frequency of audits completed.